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Privacy Statement
“Get Out DEM Votes” is part of Linda Incorporated, an S-corporation. Linda Incorporated understands that the privacy of its users is essential. To that end, we have adopted the following policy concerning collecting, using, and disseminating personal information requested from visitors to this site. Personal information is information associated with a user’s name or personal identity. We are providing this policy below so that you may understand the terms and conditions related to providing any personal information to us. Please note, however, that this policy has been developed with the recognition that Internet technologies continue to develop and evolve rapidly and that such changes may require us to alter our Privacy Policy. Any such alterations will not affect our general commitment to protecting our visitors’ privacy. We will post any changes to our Privacy Policy on this page. Your continued use of this website constitutes acceptance of such terms and policies.

General Statement
You may visit our website without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. However, certain transactions that you choose to engage in on this site will require your submission of personal information. As a general rule, Linda Incorporated will not sell, swap, rent, or disclose any such personal information to any third party for commercial purposes. Such information will be utilized only for the purpose stated. To accomplish such purpose, Linda Incorporated may disclose the information to its employees, consultants, and agents who have a legitimate need to know the information (including, for purposes of the application process, interviewers, and contest winners). Linda Incorporated also reserves the right to disclose this information under special circumstances, including disclosures required by law, court order, or circumstances under which disclosure, in the sole discretion of Linda Incorporated, is necessary to protect the legal rights, including the intellectual property rights of Linda Incorporated or it owners or employees.

Personal Information Collected and Use of Information
Profile information submitted for inclusion in a Directory, entry into a contest, or submitted via other channels is available to Linda Incorporated, its staff and consultants, and site users, according to privacy settings chosen by individual participants. Data in the directory includes but is not limited to: contact information, employment history, interests, and education history. Any commercial use of information obtained from the directory is prohibited.

Some contests and benefit programs require applicants to provide personal information and preferences. The applicant can also provide additional company information during this process. Personal information that you provide us will be utilized only for the purpose for which it has been requested.

We do not intentionally collect personally identifiable information about children aged 13 or younger. If you suspect that we have personal, identifying information about your child, please notify us immediately so we may remove this information from our database.

Usage Information Collected and Use of Information
Linda Incorporated may collect other information about its users that is not connected with any specific personal identity, such as data about usage and service operation. The following summarizes the types of information that we may collect:

System Information, IP Addresses, and Referrers
When you connect to our website, our web server may record the numerical Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using, information about your browser and operating system, date and time of access, and the internet address and page which linked you to our site. Linda Incorporated’s staff uses such information to help diagnose problems with our server, administer and improve our website, and generate aggregate statistical reports that analyze general user information and demographics. Unless legal process requires, we do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable. User sessions may be tracked by IP address, but a user’s identity remains anonymous.

In addition, we ordinarily do not disclose to third parties site usage by individual IP addresses. Still, we may do so in minimal circumstances when complying with law or legal processes, working with consultants assisting us in fixing or improving our site, or monitoring and improving our network’s security. Our staff monitors search terms that users enter into our Search Engine, but this tracking is never associated with individual users.

Cookies are unique bits of computer data that many major websites will transfer to your computer the first time you visit. Cookies are stored on your hard drive and may later be accessed by the website to track prior usage. Linda Incorporated may use cookies, pixels, or transparent GIF files to help manage online advertising. Our ad management partners provide these GIF files. These files enable the ad servers to recognize the unique cookies on your web browser, enabling us to learn which advertisements bring users to our website. The cookie was placed by our ad management partner or by us. With cookies and Spotlight technology, the information we collect and share is anonymous and not personally identifiable. It does not contain your name, address, telephone number, or email address.

A cookie may also be used to deliver customizable and personalized services and information by tracking which pages a user has already visited. We may also use cookies to anonymously track session information, such as pages visited or duration of visit, which will help us continue to improve our format and content.

You may set your browser to refuse cookies or alert you when one is being sent. It is likely that some portions of our site will not operate properly if cookies are disabled.

External Links
Linda Incorporated’s website contains links to other independently run websites and is not covered by this privacy policy. Linda Incorporated is not responsible for such websites’ privacy practices, security, or content.

Security Precautions
This site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Unfortunately, due to the nature of Internet communications, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. While Linda Incorporated remains committed to protecting the privacy of our users, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we will make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems. We do so by using secure technology, privacy protection controls, and restrictions on employee access. However, we make no representations regarding the veracity of such measures.

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